
This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of our products and services.
Share and discuss the best content and new marketing ideas, build your professional profile and become a better marketer together.


Besides gaining reputation with your questions and answers, you receive badges for being especially helpful. Badges appear on your profile page, and your posts.

Good Service 7 awarded users Recognize employees' efforts for customers: Recognized/praised by customers, always strive to change/improve products to better meet customer needs, she mindset of always putting the customer at the center and understanding the customer
Good Learner 5 awarded users Recognizing employees' continuous learning efforts: Actively ask questions to clarify and deeply understand the problem, try to find the answer to solve the problem, don't be afraid to give answers...
Good Leader 0 awarded users Leader ensures 100% staff retention rate/quarter:
(Retention rate)= (E/B)*100
(B– beginning): number of employees at the beginning of the quarter;
(E – Ending): number of employees at the end of the quarter;
The number of additional personnel recruited is not included.
Accompany 0 awarded users Recognizing personnel committed to the value of "Company":
Empathy and understanding between Mentor and Mentee:
Evaluate the problem multi-dimensionally, put yourself in another person's position to see the problem;
Provide feedback and guidance in a constructive spirit;
Learn from criticism/suggestions/reminders from mentors and colleagues;
Understanding is based on understanding each person's strengths and weaknesses.
Empathize and empathize with customers:
Put yourself in the customer's shoes to get a multi-dimensional view;
Obsession with customers, thinking about customer benefits/products;
Understand customers' frustrations/anger;
Ready to support customers in all situations;
Correct behavior is based on companionship and understanding.
Sincerity 0 awarded users Committed to the value "Sincerity":
Get straight to the point, no "beating around":
Listen and share difficulties with mentors/colleagues;
Do not divide into factions or speak ill of each other;
Give honest feedback, don't say one thing and do another;
Be comfortable being yourself, don't try to please others.
Not for personal gain, just think for yourself:
Act based on collective interests;
Think of mentors/colleagues when doing anything;
Do not ask for things beyond your ability;
Try to keep your promise as much as possible;
Not too sensitive or narcissistic;
Not too humble, not too arrogant.
Provide sincere solutions/suggestions based on optimizing customer benefits.
Be steadfast in your goals, determined to achieve them.
Integrity 0 awarded users Committed to the value "Integrity":
Do not use common resources for personal gain;
Respect project resources, respect copyright;
Do not lose company or customer resources;
Admit and do not hide mistakes;
Recognize everyone's contributions, do not accept achievements that are not yours;
Have humility, know how to say thank you and sorry...;
Forget the little things, always think big.
Action 0 awarded users Committed to the value "Action":
Evaluate, make decisions and act quickly and accurately;
Understand the nature and depth of every issue;
Adapts well to situations; efforts to overcome difficulties;
Believe in your actions and always look forward;
Adapt to change and act continuously.

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About This Community

This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of our products and services. Share and discuss the best content and new marketing ideas, build your professional profile and become a better marketer together. Read Guidelines